POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Notes on the variety of programs used : Re: Notes on the variety of programs used Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:05:23 EST (-0500)
  Re: Notes on the variety of programs used  
From: Josh English
Date: 3 Jul 2000 18:45:51
Message: <396116CE.8BBA20D7@spiritone.com>
The big challenge I have when voting (which I can't do this round, but I ran
into it when I could) is that I have no idea how challenging a piece was to do
in Bryce (I still have 1.0 around and I rarely use it) or Terragan or basically
anything non-POV. I can look at a scene that seems that POV is a tough challenge
to get to work, but antoher program might do this in a pinch.

Does anyone else have this dilemma when voting?


Mark Wagner wrote:

> I did a quick count of the programs people used for creating their entries
> for this round, and here are the results.  I wonder where the person who was
> using POV-Ray 3.2 got their copy....
> POV 3.1 -- 19
> MegaPOV -- 14
> 3DS Max -- 14
> Vue d'Espirit -- 6
> Bryce -- 6
> Generic POV-Ray -- 4
> 3D Studio -- 2
> Raydream Studio -- 2
> Terragen -- 2
> POV-ray 3.2 -- 1
> POV-ray 3 -- 1
> SkyPOV -- 1
> SoftCAD.3D Lite -- 1
> TrueSpace -- 1
> BMRT -- 1
> Cinema4DXL -- 1
> Lightwave -- 1
> Blender -- 1
> Photograph -- 1
> Unknown -- 1

Josh English
eng### [at] spiritonecom
"May your hopes, dreams, and plans not be destroyed by a few zeros."

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